
Ours Services

App & Web Service
  • eShop platform - Online shopping cart
  • Support PayPal, Visa, Master
  • Support coupon system
  • Sales analysis report system
  • Pro SEO on-page configuration
  • Built-in Content Management System(CMS)
POS System Service
Customizable Menu & Keymaps
Item categories, set meals, modifiers, special prices, floorplans & keymaps streamline your whole order taking process
Portable Ordering Device
Not only traditional POS terminals, system can be operated by Android, Windows tablet and smartphones
Customer Self-Service Modes
Provides different kinds of customer self service solutions such as mobile ordering, self-ordering kiosk etc.
ERP System Service
  • Accounting and financial reporting
  • Centralized document management
  • Client and contractor management
  • Mobile device compatibility
  • CRM and sales
  • Project and task management
  • Applicant tracking system

We Provide Best Services In Your Budget.

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